At the other end of the spectrum from Capt. Moore’s humble walk in his garden is the world-wide event featuring 100 of the best-known musical artists: One World: Together At Home, organized in part by Lady Gaga and hosted, in the TV version, by Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert on all three major networks. It was dedicated to health workers and other people on the front line from food deliverers to mail workers, to scientists working around the clock on a vaccine, including scenes of them at work around the globe. Lang Lang, the Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney and dozens of musicians and celebrities joined in expressions of gratitude in this 8-hour marathon, first on the web and then as a two-hour television special carried on all the networks in prime time. It raised $127,000,000 for local and international aid organizations. It was also, I thought, a rare celebration of our common humanity, as if something inside of us was just waiting to burst forth into this spontaneous generosity, creativity and gratitude that normal life seems to inhibit. You can tune in to bits of this full version, the two hour TV show or watch the finale here, with Lang Lang, Celine Dionne, Lady Gaga, Andre Bocelli and John Legend. Once again, it is the wonder of technology that makes possible this performance by artists in distant locations.

From Spain comes the spunk and humor of La Mare in RESISTIRÉ (versión cuarentena), "I Will Endure, (quarantine version)" sent to me by my Comadre in Mexico City. You don’t need to understand Spanish to appreciate this spoof on the efforts to survive “sheltering in place,” as she walks the dog so much the dog refuses to go out and she gets to the end of her recipe book with nothing new to cook. She washes her curtains, her sofa pillows. She studies new languages, new dances, and has group chats on zoom. It will definitely lift your spirits just to watch her recreating scenes that are all too familiar to us in ways that make us smile.
Easter in our town was not the usual Spring celebration. Here is the tree in the center of town. I found myself singing “O Easter Tree, O Easter Tree, how snowy are Thy branches.”
Never again in our lifetimes (we hope and pray) will we ever see St. Peter’s square in Rome on Easter nearly empty.
The Stray Bullet Cafe is still making take-and-bake casseroles and Trixi's Antler Saloon is offering take-out pizzas for the weekends. Fred has kindly appeared on my porch with groceries. Howie is making up spray sanitizers and Peggy has been making masks.
I had a new bird at my feeder! One I never knew existed: A Hepburn's finch, also called grey-crowned rosy finch. A handsome bird and I am ever-so-happy to see it.
Overhead, Venus continues to shine brightly in the west as the Evening Star and below to the left is the bright star, Aldebaran, in the horn of Taurus. Arcturus is the brightest star in the east in the evening, with bright Spica shining to the lower right.
I will close with the peacefulness and patience of nature, AND of nature photographers. This was sent to me by friends in New York, created in neighboring Pennsylvania.