
Snow! That was the forecast. Friends in southern latitudes will be aghast at the thought of snow in Spring (or perhaps anytime), but Howie Fly tells me it once snowed on the 4th of July. Sheltering in place can be a way of life in the winter here. Thank goodness our town has a sense of humor, on display the minute you enter the town from the west and are greeted by this sign.
To give you an idea of the vast wild expanses of Montana, consider that it is the fourth largest state, including Alaska, and yet the population stays steady at around one million. Grizzly bears have wandered into town and elk are familiar sights on the hills and in meadows. But that small population is devoted to their state and many ranchers here are also conservationists. The Two Creek Monture ranch owned by Wayne and Karalee Slaght and their family recently won an Environmental Stewardship Award. You can appreciate the land and the thought that goes into preserving it here. (Watch it full screen here. )

On a larger scale but with similar intention, is cellist Yoyo Ma’s #SongsofComfort. “The idea for #SongsOfComfort sparked from asking what he could do for others. So now, he’s using his music as an act of servitude — and is inviting others to join him.” (WBUR) The response has ranged from professional performers like Carol King and James Taylor to grandparents and children, all sharing their music from their living rooms. Such an intimate sharing—living room to living room!

Two Mayo Clinic Doctors on a Break
The second is a grandfather entertaining his grand-daughters as they all shelter in place.
“I wrote this little song for my granddaughters to make them feel good about themselves. As you’ll see they seem to like it. I hope it brings a little joy to you and your children, as well. T. A. Kuepper”

zubin_mehtas_grandson.mp4 |
This reminded me of a favorite video of mine, which I have on my website: 3 year old Jonathan conducting to the 4th movement of Beethoven's 5th Symphony
I will end on a musical note that ties all of this together. Carole King offered this earlier recording up to #SongsOfComfort and it is so reminiscent of where I live. I hope it will soothe your stress and make your home feel a little larger.
Way Over Yonder
From our valley to yours, even if it is only inside of you...
Stay well.