A Global Hermit

As a certified hermit living over the Stray Bullet Café, the local recluse writer, sheltering-in-place is my daily occupation. But it seems that this coronavirus is turning introverts into extroverts and vice versa. C.G. Jung coined those terms: Extroverts mostly orient their energy to, and are in turn energized by, the outer world. Introverts are the reverse, oriented more toward the inner world. This is a tough time for extroverts. And here I am, the hermit sitting Hobbit-like before my fire, receiving communications from as far away as Taiwan in response to this blog. The one contribution I can make to my fellow humans at this time is to provide a bit of news and banter for the shut-ins.
When I sent the first blog link to Kathy Schoendoerfer, our faithful town herald, I asked after her partner Travis. Together they own the Blackfoot Angler, just below me next to the Stray Bullet, which carries everything from fishing flies to local art, which you can also find across the street at the Blackfoot Store. Travis suffered serious back problems last winter and recently had surgery. She replied that he’d had a setback when he fell on the ice. “What on earth was he doing on the ice?” I asked. Here was her answer.
He was being a good Samaritan.
Our neighbor 2 weeks ago had flu like symptoms. On Day 3, I said “that's it! I'm taking you to the ER” as she is 76 and lives by herself with her beloved dog.
Found out she had a twisted intestine so she had to stay in hospital for a few days. While I was with her Travis went to her house to pick up her dog to live with us for as long as she was ill. While getting the dog he slipped....twice. So can't get mad at him for that. LoL.
A friend from high school wrote this from Taiwan.
Many years ago...when the boys were in their teens, we would
spend our summer vacations traveling to really unique and out-of-
the-way places. One summer, we got out a map of the U.S. closed
our eyes and pointed to a place on the map. You would have laughed
to see their faces when we saw that we had picked Montana.
We spent about a month driving and camping our way around the
state in a 'rent-a-wreck' car. Put thousands of miles on it and when
it was time to turn it in, the rental agent was so amazed at the mileage,
the care that we had taken of his car and the fact that it was still 'alive',
he only charged us half-price. Small gifts that mean a lot.
My friend Rorry wrote from St. Martin’s in the Caribbean--
I’ve been amazed at how people are abiding by the stay at home order
We are essentially France and have to follow their rules
There is now a 6 o’clock curfew and beach and water swimming forbidden
This is sad since we love to walk our beach and it’s our main source of exercise
We have been walking twice a day but now will stop as pretty much most people are obeying the ban.
We will walk the road in town which also has its interest
This once bustling town with wonderful restaurants and shops and great mix of tourist and locals whose families have lived here for generations is now a ghost town
My yoga classes are cancelled.
I’m still glad we decided to stay as there have been only 3 cases here.
Perhaps it would have been better if Miami were French. You’ve probably seen a picture of Florida beaches during college Spring break, like this one.
As one student said, "If I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day, I'm not going to let it stop me from partying. I've been waiting, we've been waiting for Miami spring break for a while. About two months we've had this trip planned, two, three months, and we're just out here to have a good time."
You can’t blame officials for getting frustrated. I particularly loved this short bit from mayors in Italy who are “losing it” over their recalcitrant citizens. You’ve got to love the Italians! And say a prayer for them too.
Italian Mayors Losing It At People Violating Quarantine
Today, March 24th, we are almost at 395,000 cases, third place—after China and Italy--in a competition we never wanted to enter. Montana has 46, none in Powell County. Let’s hope we can keep it that way. Here are affected counties.
I just read in New Scientist that a small, mysterious site in the Czech Republic’s Šumava mountains could have been a nature retreat for religious hermits 2200 years ago.

I not only feel connections in space but also in time. Like the 2200 year old hermits, I can lift my eyes unto the hills in all directions here and also pick up lasagna from the Stray Bullet Cafe below if I run out of food. Or replenish from the Blackfoot Store. So far, Howie and Peggy have me in good shape.
Surely, in the worst of times, this is the best of places.
Be well!
Sheri Ritchlin